I’d like to start with saying that I love pomegranate. I was introduced to this magical fruit as a young child from my Persian cousin. In her families culture they eat pomegranates A LOT…in salads, in flavorful rice dishes, in desserts and beverages. She would go to the Persian market and bring me one home…we would cut it open and get the “seeds” out for what felt like hours…all while trying not to stain our clothes. I loved the sweet yet tart and tangy flavor, but I always felt like I couldn’t get enough. Fast forward to current day…you can buy pomegranates that are already broken apart and ready for you to eat,(be careful they’ve usually been tossed in some sort of preservative) pomegranate juice is at every grocery store, and plenty of fancy cocktail menus have pomegranate martinis or some similar offering.

I knew when we began recipe testing for Immortal that I wanted to incorporate a pomegranate juice…and I dreamt up “The Red Menace” (yes that’s a Seinfeld reference…but don’t even get me started) which is cold pressed Fuji apple, red beet and pomegranate. This juice truly tastes like a nectar of the gods. Not only is it incredibly delicious but it is SO good for you, and yes…I’m going to tell you all the ways.

Pomegranates are low in calories and fat while being high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They contain a high amount of antioxidants…more than most fruits. Antioxidants are compounds that help protect the cells in our bodies from free radicals. Free radicals are always present in our bodies but anything we can do to lessen their concentration will help in the defense of chronic illness and disease. Pomegranates also have a high concentration of flavonoids which also help fight off free radicals. Both of these compounds are known to prevent prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer. I’m not a doctor over here y’all…but I do strongly believe that food is medicine.

As far as vitamins go pomegranates pack a pretty heavy punch. They contain fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, vitamin C and folate. As a female this line up really appeals to me…magnesium and potassium are wonderful for muscle cramps…and in that same vein the iron helps a lot too.

Pomegranates are also known to greatly help with urinary tract health. The antioxidant properties prevent bacteria from latching onto the walls of the bladder, while Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system and fight off infections. Store bought cranberry juice cocktail just isn’t doing it for me…it’s full of added sugar and preservatives, ie it’s just not going to help (just like that Tropicana isn’t going to help with your common cold).

Here are a few more stats I’d like to share

•Regular consumption of pomegranate juice can reduce hypertension and systolic blood pressure

•Pomegranates can decrease cancer cell reproduction and even trigger apoptosis (cancer cell death)

•Punicalagin in pomegranates is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, all antioxidants have potent anti-inflammatory properties. According to a study, these help to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract in specific

•The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranates help to calm down any inflammation. Studies also show that pomegranates are successful in inhibiting enzymes that cause damage to joints. Therefore, it can help treat osteoarthritis effectively

•The major fatty acid in pomegranates, punicic acid, may help protect against numerous stages of the heart disease process. It helps to protect the heart from several steps of heart disease

•Pomegranate reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body

•Pomegranate can fight certain types of harmful bacteria and yeast Candida albicans

•The potent plant compounds in pomegranates can combat dangerous microorganisms. These properties may prevent oral infections

•Regular consumption of the fruit reduces the post-surgery deficit in memory, as noted in this study

I know this is a lot of information…but wow, I learned so much researching for this blog post! Clearly the health benefits of pomegranates are immense. I encourage you to seek out cold pressed pomegranate juice to reap the highest concentration of its benefits. If you see us out at a market in the Asheville area ask for a taste of

“The Red Menace”

I know you’ll love it!

Thanks for reading,

Ali Rae


Health benefits of Celery


Healthy inside and out