The benefits of Cold Pressed juice for your skin

By: Ali Rae

Cold pressed juicing offers ample benefits for our overall health and well being. Heart health, blood detox, liver flush, kidney support..this list goes on and on…but what about the health of our largest organ, our skin.

I am admittedly a “skin care junkie”. I’ve spent countless hours researching products, seeking out the best/newest products that fall under the clean/natural category. I scour the shelves at my local natural food stores for “miracle serums” and “youth in a bottle” type labels. I buy up all of the skin care at our local markets…rose water and witch hazel toners, yarrow salve, CBD infused facial oils... I spend more money than I would like to admit at Sephora. My current obsession is a clean line that started as a goat farm and highlights the lactic acid found in their goats milk to tighten, firm and GLOWIFY (allegedly) your complexion. I’ll keep you posted on the results.

Sadly 4 years ago I began showing signs of psoriasis, it is under control but it is a stressor for me…and something I’m always hoping doesn’t progress. I have always had a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies…but my skin issues really made me focus on how food/vitamins benefited my skin. Beauty starts on the inside in all manners and our skin is a direct reflection of what we put inside our bodies. I’ve done quite a bit of research on the topic and here’s what I’ve discovered to be true

•Cold pressed juicing retains MAXIMUM amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes

•Antioxidants in liquid form fight free radicals which in turn drastically reduces aging

•Cold pressed juice is high in vitamin E, C and A (all prevalent ingredients on my fancy skincare bottles)

•Vitamin E slows the cell damaging process and in turn prevents wrinkles

•Vitamin C produces collagen and treats UV damage

•Vitamin A relieves acne, eczema and psoriasis (!!!!!)

•Cold pressed juice restores your bodies natural PH and the result is glowing skin

•The trace mineral silica aids in natural collagen production

•Vitamin K (spinach) helps strengthen blood vessel walls and decrease inflammation

•Iron delivers oxygen to your cells which helps with pale/washed out skin

•Beta Carotene in carrots converts to Vitamin A in our bodies

•Linoleic acid (omega 6 fatty acid) aids in moisturizing the skin

Let me also give praise to ginger. Ginger is a miracle worker for the skin because of its anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger can fight acne, reduce the appearance of scars, protect from UV rays, increase collagen, promote hair growth, reduce cellulite and de-bride your scalp. I’m obsessed if you can’t tell!! Drinking cold pressed ginger will help you reap all of these benefits. I’ve also been incorporating our cold pressed ginger into my skincare routine by using it as a toner after I wash my face, pouring it onto my scalp once a week before a shower, and adding it to my favorite salt body scrub. The scent is an added bonus, especially for morning showers and baths!

Cucumbers and celery contain high levels of the trace mineral silica which promotes collagen production and helps fight the inflammation from eczema and psoriasis. They are also highly alkalizing and aid in body detoxification, which helps our skin in the long run.

I have to touch on UV damage…I am a Florida native after all. I spent my childhood at the beach, the springs or at the pool. My Mom always doused me in SPF but as I got older I sought after the deepest tan I could achieve (I know…it’s not good). Once I hit 25 I came to the realization that I had to stop baking myself in the sun weekly, and I became diligent about applying clean SPF. Now I work outside at farmers markets 3-4 times a week and I’m conscious of applying my SPF and/or my foundation that contains SPF…the UV rays still seep in though, it’s just unavoidable. Drinking cold pressed juice can greatly reduce the harm of UV rays to your skin. Vitamin C, Vitamin E and collagen all aid in this fight to rewind sun damage. I’m pretty into it! I still enjoy the feeling and look of a nice tan…but it’s all about balance.

I didn’t have to read all of these benefits to know about the results…I have physically seen the difference in my skin. My Sephora trips aren’t as regular, and my anxiety about my psoriasis has diminished. Cold pressed juice is a now a part of my daily life and my skincare routine. I can’t wait for you all to experience it’s wonderful benefits.


Pomegranates, Pure magic!


The Health Benefits of ginger